Relocating in Grenoble with ETC LOGOS is THE booster to enjoy your life here!!

French, Americans, Europeans, Asians...The success of a relocation in
Grenoble is the key to personal and professional performance as soon as you
arrive in the area.
Assisting the transferred employees so they can find
their automomy in all fields.
The process of relocation outsourced.
ETC-LOGOS provides a global answer within the same company, a
long-term follow up.

A team of specialists in relocation, available and understanding, in order to enter the local networks (Grenoble and Rhône-Alpes).
+33 (0)4 76 59 19 80

mercredi 1 décembre 2010

Are your cars equipped?

When you look outside, don't you think it's the perfect christmas picture?
Snow everywhere, snowmen growing in the gardens, kids getting excited (so are we) about Christmas...Lovely but no so much when you need to take your car to go to work or to that long-planned week-end in Alsace to visit the Christmas markets!!!
When the temperature drops below 7°C (44 Farenheit), the car and tyre manufacturers advise installing snow tyres on your car to avoid skidding. Even if the roads are clear, this can save a lot of trouble, even more so when there are a few inches on the tarmac.
Once the snow gets too thick, keep clear of the roads and enjoy your cosy home! The snowplough will eventually come by and clear it all.

mercredi 28 avril 2010

Spring's here!

Good bye long winter, cold weather! Store away at once your skis, boots, gloves and hats!
Welcome flowers, buds and little birds! Take your skirts, sandals and sun cream out of the cupboard! Spring has finally reached us!!! Although according to the saying: 'Avril ne te découvre pas d'un fil' we should be careful as it might get cold again. 'Mai, fais ce qu'il te plait' and please yourself!
Remember you need to use up all your paid holidays before 31st May or they might be gone forever (check with your HR).
May is traditionally a month that implies a lot of bank holidays but this year, 1st and 8th fall on a Saturday.
You can still get a long week end (Pont) with the Ascension (13th May).

So, put another sausage on the BBQ, help yourself to a glass of rosé and ...enjoy!

dimanche 14 février 2010

Shrove Tuesday and Carnival

Time for fancy dress! Carnival will be here soon (16th Feb.) and you might encounter ghosts, fairies, pirates or princesses roaming in the streets of Grenoble.
Traditionally, on Shrove Tuesday you eat pancakes (Crêpes) to celebrate the beginning of Lent, 40 days before Easter.
So, get your fancy best outfit out of the cupboard and have fun!!

lundi 4 janvier 2010

Happy New Year

Everyone at ETC Logos would like to wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Remember you've got until the 31st of January to do the same with your colleagues and acquaintances, after this, it's bad luck. Why not treat them to a 'Galette des roi'? This is a French tradition to celebrate the Epiphany, the arrival of the three kings in Bethleem at Jesus' birth. The gateau is in reality a puff pastry tart with marzipan filling. The tart contains a 'feve' which intitles its lucky finder to be treated as king. Originally the 'feve' was, as the translation suggests, a bean which, when planted, brought a good harvest. Today, the 'feves' are more modern figurines of popular characters such as Asterix, and come in series which kids love to collect.

Nos partenaires

Grâce à eux, votre relocation sur Grenoble est facilitée et nous pouvons avancer plus vite, plus efficacement. Nous remercions:

Les agences immobilières
La Préfecture de Grenoble
Philippe Nettoyage
Alp Depôt Vente