Relocating in Grenoble with ETC LOGOS is THE booster to enjoy your life here!!

French, Americans, Europeans, Asians...The success of a relocation in
Grenoble is the key to personal and professional performance as soon as you
arrive in the area.
Assisting the transferred employees so they can find
their automomy in all fields.
The process of relocation outsourced.
ETC-LOGOS provides a global answer within the same company, a
long-term follow up.

A team of specialists in relocation, available and understanding, in order to enter the local networks (Grenoble and Rhône-Alpes).
+33 (0)4 76 59 19 80

lundi 23 janvier 2012

English bookshop and cafe.

Hidden in rue St Laurent down by the river, almost under the cable car to the Bastille, is a small English bookshop The Bookworm cafe.
You can find second hand adult and children books, as well as English newspapers. The cafe also organises events which can be found on their website.
So why not pay them a visit, have a coffee or tea and browse what they have to offer.

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Nos partenaires

Grâce à eux, votre relocation sur Grenoble est facilitée et nous pouvons avancer plus vite, plus efficacement. Nous remercions:

Les agences immobilières
La Préfecture de Grenoble
Philippe Nettoyage
Alp Depôt Vente